We are a team-centered organization, extracting the best ideas from the brains of our crew. We then bundle these ideas together to create an approach to your project that is remarkably synergistic. This team-centered approach also means that we are intensely focused on collaborative relationships: we do not view our clients as “jobs”, but instead as new members of our greater team; and greatly enjoy working with these “team members” to produce videos that will service their specific goals.
We frame your message in a way, that it is both in tune with your brand’s goals and grabs the attention of your audience.
NNMedia is a game-changing Belgrade, Serbia video production company, servicing clients locally, as well as nationwide. Our video production services are perfectly suited for projects large and small; from corporate mainstays, to national nonprofits. No matter the assignment, we are concerned with one thing above all else: leveraging technology and talent to meet our client’s goals.
Our exceptional team of videographers pursues their craft not as a job, but as a lifestyle. When they are not bringing their talents to bear on a client project, they are hard at work perfecting their skills through such varied avenues as music videos, corporate film’s, animation …
NNMedia is an award winning creative studios that’s been producing video and photographic awesomeness for a decade. With locations in Belgrade, Serbia we specialise in producing highly sharable content for both photo and video.
As a company we offer a wide range of content production services, from ecommerce packshots, and creative photography to viral video adverts and cinemagraphs.
We are incredibly passionate about our work, so what matters most is that our clients are happy with their product. That they have something they can be proud of and enjoy sharing with others. We have found the best way to ensure this is to work closely with you the whole way through the process, constantly communicating so the final piece looks exactly how they wanted it to.
Using a blend of imagination and insight, we create a creative concept for your video. Once the idea is flashed out we build the narrative.
We write a video script that incorporates your story. With a storyboard, we also help you to visualize the final version of your video.
Our team handles the filming, then editing and animation work, where your story and creative ideas revive.